October marks Breast Cancer Awareness month, in support of this campaign The Cosmetics Company Stores will continue its year-round donation of £50,000 to Estée Lauder Companies’ Breast Cancer Campaign.
In celebration of this pledge The Cosmetics Company Store will donate £5 for every purchase of Estée Lauder’s iconic Advanced Night Repair Serum 50ml.
All funds will be shared equally between two UK charities, Breast Cancer Now and Future Dreams. These donations will support their efforts to provide practical and emotional support, promote awareness as well as funding for vital research.
Coming together to help end breast cancer for all
The importance of self checking
It’s important to get to know your breasts. Check your breasts regularly and see your GP if you notice any changes.
Signs and symptoms of breast cancer include:
- A lump or swelling in the breast, upper chest or armpit
- A change to the skin, such as puckering or dimpling
- A change in the colour of the breast – the breast may look red or inflamed
- A nipple change, for example it has become pulled in (inverted)
- Rash or crusting around the nipple
- Unusual liquid (discharge) from either nipple
- Changes in size or shape of the breast
There’s no special way to check your breasts and you do not need any training.
Checking your breasts is as easy as TLC:
- Touch your breasts: can you feel anything new or unusual?
- Look for changes: does anything look different to you?
- Check any new or unusual changes with a GP
Everyone will have their own way of touching and looking for changes. Get used to checking regularly and be aware of anything that’s new or different for you.
Advice from Breast Cancer Now, more details can be found on their website.
Join The Cosmetics Company Store in their mission to end breast cancer, you can also show your support and donate in store.