Designed to become the ultimate destination to find the perfect gift or treat, the Lindt Chocolate Shop in Livingston Designer Outlet offers exclusive ranges.
Designed to become the ultimate destination to find the perfect gift or treat, the Lindt Chocolate Shop in Livingston Designer Outlet offers exclusive ranges. The Lindt Chocolate Shop also has one of the largest in-store offerings of Lindt products in the UK, from super premium gifting boxes for every occasion, a wide variety of subtly flavoured chocolate bars to suit everyone’s taste buds, to seasonal exclusives. The Lindt Chocolate Shop in Livingston is the perfect place to visit for those in need of an indulgent treat during a busy day of shopping or to find that perfect gift.
Contact Lindt
Lindt at Livingston Designer Outlet in West Lothian, Scotland is easily accessible off Junction 3 of the M8 motorway between Edinburgh & Glasgow.